Allstacks | Release Roundup April-June '24

It’s time for another product update! We’re excited to share what the team has been working on over the past few weeks so that you stay up to date with the latest and greatest that the app has to offer.

Updates include an overhaul of our UX and improvements to the navigation design in-app, a brand new user onboarding experience, a new “integrations manager” role to better manage tool connections, the ability to receive dashboards directly in your email inbox via PDFs, and a seamless Slack integration to send risk alerts and notifications to public Slack channels of your choice.

Get more details on each of the capabilities below.

Navigation/UX redesign & smoother onboarding:

Our goal is to make the onboarding experience and UX as intuitive as possible for you and your teams. In an effort to make this even more seamless in Allstacks, we’re curating information to help guide new users to the right places upon logging in for the first time and tailoring the overall UX and navigation menu to get you to the information you care about most, quickly. 

What does this mean for you? 

  1. New users will now arrive into the platform with a more focused experience that‘s been prepared for them.

  2. You’ll notice major changes to the general UI and navigation options in the app. We’ll go over both of these improvements in more detail below.

Guided onboarding experience

To help minimize any guesswork and curate a smooth first-run experience for new users, anyone logging in to the Allstacks app for the first time will now land on a welcome page that tailors the information presented in-app based on their role and objectives. After answering a couple of brief questions and entering the platform initially, new users will be guided through a curated set of information specific to what they care about and can hit the ground running! 

Fresh UX and streamlined navigation options

We’re especially excited to share the improvements we’ve made to our UX and navigation menu! We’ve overhauled our UX and navigation menu items to make it feel more natural as you incorporate Allstacks into your daily workflow. There are 3 main “pillars,” or core areas in the app, that we recommend you incorporate into your daily routine to stay informed and make the most of Allstacks. These include the deliverables report, dashboards, and goals pages. Given that context, here are the main changes to be aware of with the redesign:

  • The core areas of the Allstacks platform mentioned above are now the primary navigation items, with secondary items moving under a new “Configure” tab. 

  • The primary tabs will give you quick access to your Dashboards, your Deliverables (formerly the "Portfolio Report"), and your Goals (formerly the "Risks" page). 

  • Under the Configure tab you’ll find Metrics and Work Items, as well as the Tools and Contributor management. 

Why are these important?

  • Easier to get started: Guide new users from the start and reduce cognitive load  

  • Faster ramp up time: Onboard new team members quickly 

  • Improves focus: See the most relevant information first and minimize clutter `

New “integrations manager” role to manage tool connections:

You spoke, we listened. We’re happy to share that we’ve added a new “integrations manager” user role after hearing numerous requests from customers that this would make life much easier for those users who are administering Allstacks on a daily basis, but don’t require access to view or manage the data outside of connecting tools for users/teams.

Here's how:

  • Navigate to the organization settings in the top right drop down and click “User management”

  • Find the individual you’d like to update permissions for in the “Users” table and click the “Role” dropdown

  • Select “Integrations manager” 

Subscribe to dashboards for a weekly PDF delivery of metrics:

We encourage you to treat Allstacks as the tool that you start your day or week with, however, we also realize that’s not realistic or attainable for everyone. Days go by fast and managers often need to find ways to “do more with less” given a limited number of hours in a day. 

With that in mind, we’ve added the ability to subscribe your fellow team members to any dashboard in Allstacks and have them receive a PDF via email each week on Monday morning that includes the relevant metrics/data. Now you don’t have to miss out on any crucial information and can still benefit from engineering insights delivered straight to your inbox.

Here's how:

  • Click the Deliverables button in the left hand navigation and select the dashboard you’d like to subscribe someone to

  • Click the 3 vertical dot menu next to the saved filters drop down in the top right hand corner of the dashboard page

  • Select “Subscribe”

  • Enter the email(s) of the individuals you’d like to receive the PDF each week

Why is this important?

  • Democratize your engineering data: Share the benefits of Allstacks with your teammates and leaders without requiring them to login on their own

  • Stay on track: Use the weekly PDF digest to stay on top of deliverables’ statuses, team performance, and influence where team focus should go each week or sprint

Get alerts directly to Slack:

Last but certainly not least, you can now take advantage of our seamless integration between Allstacks and Slack. Integrating Allstacks with Slack makes sending alerts and notifications to public Slack channel(s) each morning an effortless task. You and your teams can stay informed of potential delivery delays by getting a daily digest of important alerts sent directly to Slack channels of your choosing, as well as easily customize which risks to send alerts for by editing the risks settings in Allstacks.

Why is this important?

  • Be proactive, not reactive: Don’t wait until a potential issue intensifies before addressing it and get alerted to important items that need attention without extra work

  • Keep everyone on the same page: Ensure everyone is seeing the same information and stays in the loop 

We hope you enjoy these improvements! If you have any questions about this or any Allstacks functionality, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Allstacks team

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